Logistics / shipping

Handling, storage, packaging, shipping 

ln the overall parts cleaning field, a distinction is made between the "black area" and "white area". Following the cleaning, the parts are conveyed automatically to an overflow box and packaged using polythene bags, VCI bags or with corrosion protection. 

Non-cleaned parts are stored in a separate hall with 450 spaces, while the finished parts are stored separately in the outgoing goods warehouse. 

For the return transport of the empty delivery packaging, an extra hall with a further 500 parking spaces is available.

This ensures that a wide variety of packaging can be safely separated.

The cleaning of the packaging and the parts in-house avoids additional transport routes and at the same time very short reworking times.

Handling, Lagerung, Verpackung, Versand


Gewerbepark Hügelmühle 43
D-91174 Spalt

+49 (0) 91 75 - 90 709 20
+49 (0) 91 75 - 90 709 29



DHD Technology